White-label reselling hosting is your chance to launch your own hosting company and sell hosting under your brand. This opportunity that does not require significant financial investments, including maintenance staff, is provided and entirely taken care of by Hostens. Try reseller hosting with no risk and 30-day money-back guarantee. Reseller hosting is ideal for administrators, developers, web designers or those who would like to build a business in hosting services without significant investments. Start or develop your own web hosting business with just a few simple steps!
White-label Reseller hosting Benefits
WHM reseller control panel for you
With WHM, create hosting plans and accounts for your customers. Access them and manage everything quickly and easily.
Service to protect and increase site speed
You can connect CloudFlare CDN to make your site load quickly for users from any country. The network of 100 CloudFlare data centers is located around the world and they work together to deliver content instantly. Also, CloudFlare protects your site from threats and DDoS attacks.
Website builder
With the website builder, you can make a website by yourself in half an hour. Moreover, choose one of 190 templates, edit your website as you wish, and it will be ready in no time: you can choose from online stores, business card sites, and other templates. See the demo version of the website builder.
CMS Installatron Autoinstaller
With Installatron, you can install popular CMS (e.g., WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart) in 5 minutes with just a few clicks. In other words, choose the right engine, and Installatron will do everything for you.
Access to all accounts
With one click, log into any hosting account and get full control.
Manage everything
Create email accounts, change passwords, change FTP accounts, and much more.
Node.js availability
Reseller plans offer support of node.js. Just a few clicks on the cPanel control panel and you are ready to develop node.js projects.
MySQL Databases
Create and manage MySQL databases from phpMyAdmin. All your customers can have their MySQL databases.
Simple hosting or hosting for resellers: what is the difference?
Simple hosting is convenient for launching a small site. So, depending on the web hosting package, you can place from 1 to 40 web projects on different domains. However, all domains and websites will be under the same user.
Hosting for resellers is the ability to independently manage site accounts through a single panel, providing separate accounts for every website. Acting as a reseller, you can create various packages by setting the necessary limits, functions, as well as prices and discounts for your own customers.
You will be able to create separate users via the WHM control panel. You have the authority and rights to change tariff plans, offers, and the ability to suspend or disable the client’s site temporarily.
Separation of functions between the host and reseller – who does what?
The hosting provider (hoster) performs the following functions:
– ensures the correct operation of the server’s hardware;
– administers it;
– helps the reseller by providing advice;
– solves technical problems encountered by the server.
The reseller does the following:
– develops web hosting packages for its customers, determines the pricing policy of its services;
– promotes the brand and the services provided under this brand;
– helps the end consumers (the customers) by explaining them the tricky points;
– in case of technical problems – seeks help from a hosting provider.