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SSL Cetificate

Protected: free vs paid SSL certificate

SSL is a very common feature for almost every website nowadays. It’s not mandatory in most cases, but it would be hard to imagine a website without it. Usually, a free certificate is an advantage for any shared hosting provider and it does its job – protects the data transmission between a visitor and a website or application. So why are there paid certificates as well? What is the difference between free and paid SSL?


What is the difference between a website and a blog?

The main difference between a blog and a website is the purpose of their creation. Blogs are commonly used to post content that is frequently changing while websites tend to be more static and are organized into different pages that should be dedicated to a specific purpose.

How to start on WordPress? (Part I)

WordPress is the most common CMS to date. According to the independent agency Web Technology survey carried out in September 2019, this engine is used in 34.6% of sites or 64.1% of those based on CMS. In comparison, in 2015, only 24% of resources with CMS worked on WordPress. Here are the main reasons for its success:

Digital Marketing

What Is a Responsive WordPress Theme

Hundreds of themes that exist today: free themes, responsive themes, and premium themes. You can simply download and use them on your blog - it is as simple as that. In this article we will talk about the responsive WordPress theme, it’s advantages and drawbacks and analyzes some examples of such a theme.