
DNS propagation


Here you'll find most common questions related to Domains and also the answers.

DNS propagation

Most Internet Service providers (ISP) caches DNS records to increase browsing speed for their customers. Caching means that any changes...

Domain Transfer from Hostens

In order for your domain to be transferred away, you will need domain authorization code (EPP Code), which can be...

How to change domain nameservers?

In this tutorial, you will see how you can change the nameservers for domains registered in the Hostens system. Changing...

How to link domain to Blogger, GitHub, and WordPress platforms?

This article would explain how to link your domain to Blogger, GitHub, and WordPress platforms. Blogger To direct your custom...

How to use my domain with Tumblr?

Tumblr is a popular blogging platform, and all Tumblr blogs have a domain name. You can use either the one...

Tips for choosing a domain extension (TLD)

Domain name registration is the first step in creating your website, and it’s necessary to make it visible online. Each...

Tips on how to choose a domain name

Have you decided to create a website for your business or personal purposes? You should choose and register a domain...

Domain, web hosting, and website. What is the difference?

A domain name and hosting are required to make a website visible online, so we will examine the difference between...