
How to setup email forwarding in cPanel?

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  6. How to setup email forwarding in cPanel?

How to setup email forwarding in cPanel?

If you want to create new email in cPanel, please do the steps below:

1. Login into cPanel. See how to do it here.

2. In the “Email” section press “Forwarders“:

cPanel Email Forwarder

3. In the line “Managing” select the domain, where the email is created and press the button “Add Forwarder“.

cPanel Email Forwarder

4. In the line “Address to Forward” write the name of the email box you wish to froward from. In the line “Forward to Email Address” write down the email box that the letters will be forwarded to.

cPanel Email Forwarder

5. Press the button “Add Forwarder” and you will see it was created.

cPanel Email Forwarder

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